Tuesday, January 12, 2010


At the end of the year it is customary for workplaces to throw an end of the year party at a nice bar or restaurant. We planned to have ours at an "Italian" restaurant. (I say "Italian" because very little of the food, including raw beef, and vegetables with blueberry sauce, could really be counted as real Italian food. They didn't even have garlic bread for crying out loud.)

For every school hosted drinking party, also known as enkai, one teacher is put in charge to organize the occasion. Loud second year gym sensei was set to the task, and to help make the night fun he had a trick up his sleeve.

He distributed to everyone a sheet of paper in which we were to list important pieces of news. He would then create a humorous power point for our evening of Italian decadence. If you don't understand the concept don't worry, neither did I. "Like, world news?" I asked my English teacher. "Anything" he replied. So I took a guess, wrote my list and handed it in.

The evening arrived, filled with raw meat, and anything and everything but real Italian Cuisine. Gym Sensei spun up the projector and started the night off. Apparently only I handed in my paper willingly. And I would have been the only person to hand it in at all if hadn't asked English Sensei about it. If I handed in this paper then English Sensei, my superior and adviser, HAD to do it too. And he did, and so we were the only ones to do so at all.

The first slide was all me. Point number 1: Obama was erected into office. .........ERECTED? I and the vice principal (who is very gifted in English) burst into laughter. "I know, I know! I'll make him change it."

We were the only ones who caught the mistake. But at least now we know how Obama won. He was erected.

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